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Translate written words

2023-11-30 17:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

You can use the Google Translate app to translate written words or phrases. You can also use Google Translate in a web browser like Chrome or Firefox. Learn more about Google Translate in a web browser.

Important: To translate in Chrome on your mobile device, you need Javascript. Learn how to turn on Javascript.

Translate text On your computer, open Google Translate. At the top of the screen, select the languages to translate. From: Choose a language or select Detect language . To: Select the language that you want the translation in. In the text box on the left, enter the text you want to translate. Choose what you want to do: Look up details: To check available details for each result, such as definitions, examples, or other translations, click Look up details.This is currently available only for selected languages. Listen: To hear the translation, click Listen . To change the audio speed, click Settings  at the top right and select NormalSlow, or Slower. Copy: To copy the translation to the clipboard, click Copy translation . Rate or edit: Suggested edits can help improve translations. To rate a translation or suggest an edit, click Thumbs up or Thumbs down . Share: To send the translation through email or Twitter, click Share translation .

Important: Some words may have different meanings. To help the translation capture your intended meaning, write your word in a phrase or sentence.

Translate longer text

You can translate up to 5,000 characters at a time when you copy and paste your text.

On your computer, open Google Translate. At the top of the screen, choose the language that you want to translate to and from. From: Choose a language or select Detect language. To: Select the language that you want the translation in. Copy and paste your text into the text box. You can review sections of translated text. At the bottom bar, click Back  or Forward .

Tip: You can also translate documents and websites.

Related resources Download & use Google Translate Find & manage Translate history






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